The Holy Bible

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God has neither left us, nor forsaken us. For thousands of years, God has been with us while we tilled the land and began the agricultural sciences. While we created universities and established the foundation for art, science, mathematics and literature. While we built pryamids and other architectural wonders and established governments and centers of commerce.

Then pride set in and we became full of ourselves. Yet even as God scattered us, He remained with us. And for a brief moment in time, we were lost in a valley of the shadow of death. But today, God is revealing to us who we really are, where we come from and the future He has planned for us. Return to God through Jesus Christ! 

The largest African American owned and operated Christian media company, publishing Sunday School and Vacation Bible School curricula designed specifically for African American churches, other Christian organizations and people of color. Our products are developed by seasoned Christian educators who have experienced the African and the African American worldview. The result? Scholarly lessons and commentaries infused with those qualities.

The most powerful Bible study commentary designed for the African-American audience brings the Word of God to life.

Consists of 13 weekly lessons, featuring: Scripture passages; content links the Bible verses to problems facing today's urban and Black teens; thought provoking Bible study questions; suggested student projects; maps, puzzles, cartoons, and more.

Provides 13 lessons and is packed with special features such as Gospel Jams, Locker Room, and Reality Check. These articles present biblical truths in a way that relates to the lifestyle of today's young teens.

Consists of 13 weekly lessons that include: contemporary stories, Scripture passages, games and other activities, contributions from readers, plus suggested ways for students to implement what they've learned.

Consists of thirteen four-page folders, each folder includes: a Bible story written for slow, average, and advanced readers and related activities designed for the same three reading levels. It is large enough to be used as a visual aid.
A Bible story and a contemporary story to illustrate the Bible lesson, plus a worksheet. Thirteen four-page lesson folders are included.

The Original
                                             African Heritage Study Bible: King James Version (KJV), words of Christ in red
The Original African Heritage Study Bible: King James Version (KJV), words of Christ in red

                                             Biblical Studies: An Anthology of Charles B. Copher: Biblical and Theological Issues on the Black Presence in the Bib
Black Biblical Studies: An Anthology of Charles B. Copher: Biblical and Theological Issues on the Black Presence in the Bib

African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem

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Own videos about Faith and Inspiration.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

--The Holy Bible, II Timothy 3:16-17