FUNgasa: Free Oneself! The Magazine for African-American
Home Educators, a publication of Inspira Press, is a bimonthly E-Zine, sent directly to your e-mail box every January, March, May, July, September and
FUNgasa welcomes contributions from unschoolers and homeschoolers everywhere. If you have an idea
for a future story or would like to contribute your article, please send your suggestions/articles in the body of an e-mail
to the Editor
If you have a product or book of interest to African-American
Homeschoolers, feel free to contact us for a review. FUNgasa does not publish negative reviews. If we cannot
in good conscience, write a positive review, we will not write one at all. FUNgasa book reviews include a
link to Barnes & Noble where readers may purchase your book online. In addition, the reviews are posted for all Barnes
& Noble shoppers to read.
Please send 2 Copies of your product to: FUNgasa Magazine 7549
W. Cactus Road Suite #104-340 Peoria, AZ 85381
Articles that appear in FUNgasa do not necessarily
reflect the views or opinions of the Publisher, nor do they constitute an endorsement. Contributing writers are soley responsible
for the accuracy of their articles.
Editor S. Courtney Walton, Phoenix, AZ
Design Zorrie Graphic Design & Printing
Glendale, AZ
Jennifer James,
Chapel Hill, NC
Contributing Writers Erika Davis-Pitre, West Hartford, CT Monica
Utsey, Washington D.C.
