Jan/Feb 2004 FUNgasa: Free Oneself!
Volume 1, Issue
1 |
January/February 2004 |
Welcome to the premier issue of FUNgasa: Free
Oneself! The magazine "For Us, By Us,"
which celebrates the diversity of African-American
Our title comes from the
Kiswahili word fungasa, a verb, meaning to free
oneself. This is most fitting as increasing numbers of
African Americans are enjoying the freedom of
homeschooling. "Fun" is emphasized because
leading a learning lifestyle is just that - fun!
FUNgasa is the fulfillment of a long-time
dream. Special thanks to African-American
Unschoolers, the National African-American
Homeschoolers Alliance and to you, our valued
subscriber. Enjoy!
African-American Autodidacts
An autodidact is a self-taught person and throughout
the history of Africans on these shores, the legacy of
self-learning has been an integral part of African-
American culture.
Read more....
Pearls of Wisdom from JacQuie Ward |
In my journey from being married to single parenting,
from homeschooling to unschooling, I have discovered
very little substantive difference in my experiences
versus the experiences of other un/homeschooling
mothers. I have no particular credentials to make my
testimony or experiences any more or less valid than
yours. My only desire is to share with you some of the
things that I have learned in our twelve years of
educating ourselves.
Read on... »
The Search is Over: Unschooled to Freedom! |
Stage 1: The Preschool Fast Track
Believe it or not, by the time my son had celebrated his
first birthday, I had begun a frenzied search for the
right "school." I started reading all of the local guides
to the best private schools, as public school was never
an option. By the time Zion was 2 years old, I had
been to more than 30 open houses. Each school had
wonderful qualities, but there was always something
that wasn't quite right -- the curriculum was too
eurocentric, the school was not diverse enough, or the
tuition was completely out of our price range.
Nevertheless, I wanted Zion on the fast track, so at
age 2½, I enrolled him in a very flexible Sign Language
pre-school program on the campus of Gallaudet
University in Washington, D.C. (the only college in the
country for the deaf and hearing-impaired). My sister
is deaf and I was already teaching Zion Sign Language
so I thought this was perfect. He hated every minute
of it. He was kicking and screaming every time I
dropped him off. After about three weeks of utter
misery, I had to ask myself if what I was doing was of
any real benefit. His last day was when I returned
early to find my son screaming his eyes out, naked and
unsupervised on a changing table. I thought to myself,
"I'll just teach him Sign Language myself."
Read the full story... »
Family Profile |
Meet the Dyson Family of Carrboro, North
Full Story »
To The Grand Canyon! |
African-American Unschoolers will host the
2004 African-American Homeschoolers Family &
Friends Vacation at the Grand Canyon June 3-5.
You are all invited to join us in experiencing this
wonderful unschooling adventure!
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Three To Watch |
January DVD Promotion
Two Months Free!
Brought to you by the African-American Unschooling
DVD Library
Rent Homeschool DVDs online and receive them by
mail! It's a new year and we've got a new low price.
First, our DVD rentals are FREE to try
for 30 days! You can rent an unlimited number of
DVDs for a month without paying a dime.
Learn More... »
Three to Read |
Check out the following titles -- something for all ages
-- to celebrate Black History Month, all year long...
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Networking & Pen Pals |
Having difficulty locating other African-American
Homeschoolers? Network with other Unschooling
parents, find pen pals and professional services here!
Read more... »
Quick Links... |
email: editor@afamunschool.com
voice: 623.205.9883
web: http://www.afamunschool.com