Mar/Apr 2004 FUNgasa: Free Oneself!
Volume 1, Issue
2 |
March/April 2004 |
In This Issue
Pearls of Wisdom from JacQuie Ward
If They Don't Touch, They Can't Learn
Q & A With Erika Davis-Pitre
Family Profile
National African-American Homeschoolers Alliance
The Animal School: A Fable
Three to Watch
Three to Read
Welcome to the Spring Issue of FUNgasa: Free
Oneself! The magazine "For Us, By Us,"
which celebrates the diversity of African-American
Our title comes from the
Kiswahili word fungasa, a verb, meaning to free
oneself. This is most fitting as increasing numbers of
African Americans are enjoying the freedom of
homeschooling. "Fun" is emphasized because
leading a learning lifestyle is just that - Fun!
Pearls of Wisdom from JacQuie Ward
I was sitting with a group of Africans in mid-February
(mostly Nigerians and Tunisians) and they were
discussing the African model of family. As they talked,
the one thing that really struck me was how they
defined "self." Their concept of self is not internal and
individualistic but rather external and inclusive.
Ultimately, the "self's" well being is totally and
inextricably tied to the well being of the "other." In
certain respects, there is no other, every person you
encounter contains elements of who you are and there
is virtually no way to separate yourself by word or
action from your family or community.
Read more....
If They Don't Touch, They Can't Learn |
I love the way that unschooling and life overlap. Just
the other day my son and I were putting away some of
Zion's toys. We have them organized in colorful bins
from Ikea. However, once you stack the bins on top of
each other, you cannot see the toys inside. I noticed
that my husband had taped a photograph of a dinosaur
on the outside of the bin that stored Zion's collection,
which gave me an idea. Why not label all of the bins
with photographs?
Read on... »
Q & A With Erika Davis-Pitre |
In this section, Erika Davis-Pitre fields your unschooling
questions, along with responses from you, our readers.
Read on... »
Family Profile |
Maisha Khalfani shares her family's homeschooling
experiences with S. Courtney Walton. Jabari and
Maisha Khalfani and their children--five year old Safiya,
four year old Dakari and one year old Khalid--live in our
nation's capitol, Washington, D.C.
Read the Interview... »
National African-American Homeschoolers Alliance |
The National African-American Homeschoolers Alliance
is a nonsectarian networking and informational
organization serving the national African-American and
international Black home schooling community.
Launched in January 2003, the National African-
American Homeschoolers Alliance seeks to empower
parents with the tools to home school their children
well by providing the largest and most comprehensive
online database of home schooling, supplemental and
educational information for African-American and Black
homeschoolers worldwide.
Read on... »
The Animal School: A Fable |
Written in the 1940's by George Reavis, a former
assistant superintendent of the Cincinnati Public
Schools, this fable has an unschooling message that
was surprisingly ahead of its time.
Read More... »
Three to Watch |
We're giving away a free TVGuardian with any annual
membership and we're making it affordable with Easy
Pay! Thats right, two great opportunities to enjoy the
world's largest Family Friendly DVD rental service.
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Three to Read |
In celebration of Women's History Month...
More... »
Quick Links... |
email: editor@afamunschool.com
voice: 623.205.9883
web: http://www.afamunschool.com
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