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Coming Soon! White Papers on:
* Africentric Education --  We all hear this word, but what does it really mean?  What if you want your child to be equipped to compete in the real world?  Will an Africentric Education limit his opportunities? This White Paper answers these questions and more!
* Single Parent Homeschooling  -- Read this White Paper to find out how single parents are homeschooling with success!  What if you work a tight schedule and keep an even tighter budget? Learn how you can manage it all and get everything done.
* How to Introduce Homeschooling to Your Child, Spouse, Parents and Friends and Gain Their Full Cooperation (even you in-laws will want to help!) -- Your inlaws are public school teachers and very active in the community.  You want to homeschool, but how do you tell them their grandson won't be going to kindergarten with the rest of his cousins? This White Paper shares key points for friends and family with both cultural and educational concerns about homeschooling.
*Free & Discount Homeschool Curricula & Resources -- Want or need to homeschool on a budget?  This White Paper is perfect for frugal families!


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WHITE PAPER n. An authoritative report on a major issue, as by a team of experts. A short treatise whose purpose is to educate industry customers.

"How to Assess Your Child and Create a Personalized Curriculum that Exceeds State Standards"
A White Paper on Homeschooling from African-American Unschooling

Here’s the problem…

It’s always been in the back of your mind… “one day it would be nice to homeschool.”  Well, “one day” never happened, but life just did.  The timing wasn’t perfect, but you had to take your child out of school.  Now what?  Your spouse wants to know the game plan, the in-laws keep hoping you will change your mind and your child keeps asking, “so how does this thing work?”  All you can think is, "I need a curriculum and I  need it now!"

There are so many curriculums, how do you choose?

Textbook and curriculum publishing is a billion dollar industry and many of the popular publishers also produce materials specific to homeschoolers.  Add to that the number of publishers who produce grade level pre-packaged curricula exclusively for the homeschooling market, and the choices can seem overwhelming and expensive. 

With African-American Unschooling, it just got easier.

Don’t worry, you don’t need a Masters in Education and three months to sift through the choices, nor do you need a $2,000 pre-packaged curriculum to give your child a high quality education.  

African-American Unschooling's white paper, How to Assess Your Child and Create a Personalized Curriculum That Exceeds State Standards gives you what you need to know to get your family’s homeschool on the fast track!

Easy to read and even easier to use, this nine page white paper can be saved to your computer or printed for your personal use.


Download the White Paper for $7.97!

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