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Reach African-American families
who value heritage, education and healthy living

"When Business is Good, It Pays to Advertise.
When Business is Bad, You've Got to Advertise."

Web site sponsorship is reserved for African American, parenting, education and healthy living-related advertisers.  Only a limited number of sponsorships are available. African-American Unschooling reserves the right to refuse any advertiser for any reason.

In addition to strategic ads in FUNgasa Magazine, during the term of your sponsorship your ads will appear prominently on the African-American Unschooling website and will be included in emailings to members of African American Unschoolers, a national network of African-American homeschooling families.


To learn how else you can leverage your advertising dollars with African-American Unschooling's network and reach even more African-American families who value heritage, education and healthy living, Click Here!